Film Noir

Film Noir


31 JAN 2023

with Vincent Van Nieuwenhuyze

Your life is covered in shadows and despair. What will you do?

Tuesdays 31 January to 21 March 2023
19:00 to 22:00

Rue de la Victoire 158, St Gilles

€265 for the course

Perform at l'Improviste on Sunday 26 March 2023

This module is only bookable after application and audition. Auditions are at 54, Rue de la Tulipe on: 17/01/23 at 7pm and 21/01/23 at 3pm. Enquiries and applications via:

Book course

Your life is covered in shadows and despair. What will you do? Have a drink, have a smoke, flirt a little, maybe something or someone will cross your path and give you the motivation you need. Come and discover your inner hardboiled detective, a downtrodden journalist, a wealthy heiress living on lust, a mad scientist begging for revenge... Come and join us for a Film Noir longform!

Academy courses are performance modules in which we take well loved and popular formats and focus on teaching and coaching the most dedicated improvisers to perform them to the standard that we hold our professional productions at!

In order to take this module, please send an application to outlining your impro experience and your availability to audition.

What you’ll experience

  • Failing A professional approach to working on and rehearsing for a format

  • Personal feedback

  • The nuts and bolts of putting a show together from every aspect (including production)

  • How to work well with a group of improvisers when you are not a troupe

  • Work on the specific improv skills, needed for the format (physical expressions, emotional engagement, storytelling)

Who this is for

This is one of our Academy classes. These courses are intended for ambitious and advanced improvisers who already have at least 2-3 years of impro experience (including performance experience) who want to level up and work at a professional or semi-professional level.

There will be an audition and application process to select the participants for this course. Successful applicants will also be considered for future ImproBubble productions with our professional troupes.

Feedback will be an essential component of this course, as will a personal commitment from each individual to attend a production training as well as to take personal responsibility in the promotion of this show. The participants’ presence at each class is a requirement; it will be up to the discretion of the director whether they get to perform if there are absences.

About the teacher

Vincent Van Nieuwenhuyze

Vincent is a professional improv teacher, player and coach from Ghent, Belgium. By day he’s kicking ass in the corporate world. By night, and sometimes even in the daytime, he’s playing improv. He has performed in over 8 troupes for over 12 years and has been teaching improv in Belgium and on the international improv circuit for over 7 years. 

Some key elements to what Vincent brings to the scene are intimacy, warmth, safety, vocals and a tons of energy to surf on. Within the field of improv, he loves refreshing the basics and keeping the fun in the fundamentals. Throughout the last couple of years, Vincent has taken a deep dive into the topic of intimacy on stage as well on the topic of gender in improv and on stage. And what he doesn’t want you to forget is, “you be you!”.


The ImproBubble world

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