How often do improvisers ask themselves or their teachers: "I had this idea or I wanted to do this… but I don't know if it will work  or how to work on this idea”. 

Well, the challenge in improvisation is that we can't know if it works until we try it!

ImproBubble Playground is a space where you can work on new material, try topics that you want to improve, discover more, work on material that you don’t know how to or that you  had a difficult time with.  These topics don't have to be something that you have put a lot of thought into. They can be raw ideas, specific skills or even an abstract idea that you want to explore, but you're not sure how to. For example "size"and how can we show different sizes of people/objects, how can we use a size difference, what can it mean for our scene, how can we show a size change on stage (ex. normal size person shrinks during a scene).

The Playground is an offer specifically designed for currently enrolled ImproBubble Students. If you’re interested in participating, do contact Alfy Laragione.